Secretary Detzner Announces National Voter Registration Day in Florida

Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner announced the observance of Tuesday, September 27 as National Voter Registration Day in Florida. The Secretary also announced the release of new resources available to Florida voters in advance of the General Election, including a new infographic, social media suggestions, and “Quick Facts” as part of the 2016 Voter Education Toolkit.

“As Florida’s Chief Election Officer, I am encouraging all eligible Floridians to celebrate National Voter Registration Day by checking their voter registration status and ensuring they are registered to vote by October 11, which is the deadline to register to vote for the General Election,” said Secretary of State Ken Detzner. “Our top priority is to make sure that voters have the resources they need and to encourage 100% voter participation in Florida. That is why we are releasing an updated version of the 2016 Voter Education Toolkit and sharing other key information available at Floridians can also call our Voter Assistance Hotline at 1-866-308-6739 or contact their local Supervisor of Elections office. Remember, we are here to serve you!”

The updated version of the 2016 Voter Education Toolkit is located on the Division of Elections website and the department’s voter-focused website, The updated toolkit, which is designed to be used both by voters and stakeholders looking to provide information to voters, now consists of: